Theft may be the broadest of all the categories of crime in the state. There are numerous different theft offenses, but in general, they all have one thing in common. For the most part, theft crimes share that someone has accused someone else of either taking something from them or trying to take something from them. Theft crimes can range from a very low-level misdemeanor to a felony requiring a substantial period of time in the state prison system, but they should all be defended by a skilled criminal attorney. If you have been accused or arrested, a seasoned Newnan theft lawyer could assist you in defending your rights and interests.

Common Theft Crimes

Theft crimes that a lawyer in Newnan could help a person defend include, but are not limited to:

  • Theft by Taking
  • Theft by Deception
  • Theft by Conversion
  • Retail Fencing
  • Theft of Services
  • Theft of Lost or Mislaid Property
  • Theft by Receiving Stolen Property
  • Theft by Bringing Stolen Property into Georgia
  • Theft of Trade Secrets
  • Refund Fraud
  • Theft by Shoplifting
  • Fraudulent Misuse of Moneys Received to Improve Real Property
  • Entering Auto with Intent to Commit Felony
  • Livestock Theft
  • Removal of Shopping Cart from Store Premises
  • Robbery
  • Piracy
  • Chop Shop
  • Mortgage Fraud

One important thing to remember with these crimes is that being convicted at trial, or pleading guilty will likely require more than just the serve time or probation time. A theft conviction in Newnan will typically require restitution to be paid to the victim, so having an attorney to represent you is crucial to avoid that as much as possible.

Call a Newnan Theft Lawyer as Soon as Possible

Theft is a broad scope of crimes, but they all have punishments you shouldn’t have to fight alone. Call a Newnan theft lawyer as soon as possible after your arrest to protect yourself. We are standing by.

J. Ryan Brown Law, LLC

J. Ryan Brown Law, LLC