Violent crimes are crimes involving an alleged victim that is considered to be hurt, injured, or assaulted. Many of these crimes carry significant penalties and will involve emotionally involved claimants who are likely to appear in court and be cooperative in the prosecution process.

These charges can carry heavy penalties, so it is important to have a skilled defense attorney on your side if you have been arrested. A Newnan violent crimes lawyer could defend your rights and provide any available evidence to help lessen the charges you are facing.

What are Crimes Against People?

In short, violent crimes are alleged crimes that have a human being as the victim. Crimes against people are mostly offenses ranging from battery to murder. They include the following:

Although all of these violent crimes can bring severe punishments in Newnan, a seasoned lawyer could help you defend yourself and fight on your behalf to protect your future and reputation.

How Much Time Can I Get?

The range of time is very specific to the particular crime and how many counts of what you are charged with. A simple assault is a misdemeanor, and the worst-case scenario is 12 months in the county jail. However, murder is a capital offense and could potentially result in the death penalty.

Are there Defenses for Violent Crimes in Newnan?

There are quite a few defenses that are appropriate to raise in cases like this. One of the most popular defenses in self-defense. In Georgia, defendants are given two chances to assert a defense like self-defense.

First, your attorney can file a Motion for Immunity from Prosecution in Newnan for the violent crime charge, and there will be a hearing on this motion. At this hearing, there is no jury, and the defense has the opportunity to convince the presiding judge that the defendant was acting in self-defense. There is little to lose at these hearings because even if you lose, you are still presumed innocent and can proceed with plea negotiations or trial. If the hearing is unsuccessful, there is still another chance to claim self-defense.

Once the case proceeds to trial there you may once again claim self-defense. This time is a little different. At a trial, there is a jury, and this time, they decide, not the judge. The stakes are much higher because the jury must decide whether you are innocent or guilty.

Reach out to a Newnan Violent Crimes Lawyer Today

The absolute best thing that you can do when charged with a crime against a person is to contact legal representation and let them evaluate your case. A Newnan violent crimes lawyer could determine the strengths and weaknesses in your case and determine possible legal defenses on your behalf. Contact us today and let Ryan get to work for you.

J. Ryan Brown Law, LLC

J. Ryan Brown Law, LLC